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A Fraternity That Mixes Music With Quilting Service

There always seems to be a lot of bad press when you hear about fraternity activities. But you won’t hear anything negative at Road to California where the talent and giving spirit of a local fraternity truly makes a difference.

Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia is the world’s oldest and largest secret national fraternal society in music. The objects of this fraternity are to encourage the best and truest fraternal spirit; the mutual welfare and brotherhood of musical students; the advancement of music in America and a loyalty to the Alma Mater. A key component of this fraternity is charity. Sinfonians are called to serve mankind through ideals and music in “uplifting his fellow man.”fraternity5

Matt Reese is an alumnus of the Kappa Omicron Chapter of Phi Mu Alpha at California State University-Long Beach. For the past two years, he has enlisted the brothers of Kappa Omicron to help Road’s vendors haul their merchandise to and from their vehicles.  While these young men are super busy helping to get everything in order in time for Preview Night, they do also get to visit with some of the participants.  Said Robert Tovar, current Chapter Secretary, “I love hearing the stories from all the quilters. They are very friendly.”fraternity2

The fraternity brothers return to the Convention Center Sunday afternoon, when everything is over, to tear down the show. fraternity3

Each student spends about 17 hours completing their assignments. All of the money raised by these young men during Road goes towards their fund raising efforts to provide aid to inner city school music programs. In fact, their fund raising concert, Sinfonia Helps Music, will take place on May 10 at 7:00 PM at the Unitarian Universalist church in Long Beach, CA. 

Robert sums up the fraternity’s participation: “It is just one art helping another art.”fraternity1

Thank you Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia for your hard work at Road and in the community. 







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2 Responses to “A Fraternity That Mixes Music With Quilting Service”

  1. Kerry Faraone says:

    I was lucky enough to work with these guys two years in a row….they are fun, conscientious, hard working and the nicest guys you could ever hope to meet!!!!
    Cant wait to see them all again next January!!!

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