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Proud To Be A Partner With Quilted in Honor

Do you have a military connection? Maybe you have had a loved one serve or know of someone who is currently serving. Maybe you have personally served. Or maybe you just have respect and honor for those who have or are dedicating their lives to our country.Veterans

Whatever your connection, there is a story to tell and that is what the program Quilted in Honor is all about. Led by Island Batik and supported by the quilting industry, including Road to California, Quilted in Honor was designed to inspire quilters, sewing enthusiasts, guilds, and shops to rally around our troops and give back in an innovative and unique way, creating projects that tell the human side of what “serving our country” really means to soldiers and their families back home.Quilted in Honor

It is hoped that through the collective efforts within the quilting industry, attention and donations will be given to Operation Homefront– a leading national charity providing emergency financial and other support to service members and Wounded Warriors. Operation Homefront is rated among the top charities nationally, with over 99% of its resources going towards assisting the lowest ranking and lowest paid service members. Much like the military itself, Operation Homefront has a “no man left behind” attitude as it works with veterans and their families across the United States.  Besides financial assistance, Operation Homefront also gives aid to challenges with everyday life such as auto repairs and donations, home repair and items, moving and relocation, food assistance and health care services. In addition, Operation Homefront provides support to families learning how to cope with and adjust to family members who have been wounded or injured in service, transitioning to civilian life, and community involvement. Many of their staff, including the CEO, are former military themselves and therefore know firsthand how best to reach out and assist soldiers and their families.    

The flagship of the Quilted in Honor program is Island Batik’s Quilted in Honor fabric line. Made up of 45 vibrant fabrics designed by top designer Kathy Engle, they are sure to be a popular foundation for all kinds of sewing and quilting projects. Additional companies including Aurifil, Pellon, and C&T Publishing, have created additional product lines or are providing marketing opportunities and promotional support for the project.Quilted in Honor Partners

Road to California got involved with Quilted in Honor because of its far reaching effects. As Carolyn explains, “Operation Homefront helps military families in so many ways, not just through quilt donations but with so much more. I hope our Road family will join in and support this cause.” Look for future announcements on the different ways Road to California will be promoting Quilted in Honor at the quilt show in January.      


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4 Responses to “Proud To Be A Partner With Quilted in Honor”

  1. Coincidentally, I am making a quilt to honor Viet Nam vets. I had no knowledge of this, just had a desire to find a way to say Thank You.

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