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Final Giveaway–Road to California Package

First off, a HUGE Thank you to all our great faculty who donated their wonderful books, patterns and CD’s for our 8 weeks of giveaways. Winners came from all over the United States and were thrilled with their gifts. 

With Road to California 2015 – 20th Anniversary Show right around the corner, we wanted to tie in our final giveaway to the show. This is what we are giving away to one lucky winner:

2 Tickets to the ShowLogo 2015

2-$5.00 Lecture Tickets (winner’s choice)

1 yard Road 20th Anniversary Commemorative Fabric (winner’s choice of color) 


Fabric- Road-to-California---blue








A Road to California Ruler

Lunch and Behind the Scenes Tour with Carolyn Reese


If you have been participating with our giveaways, you are familiar with how to enter.  But just in case you forgot, here is a reminder:

You can enter up to three times to win our final giveaway:

1)      Write a comment on this blog post and tell us why you want to win 

2)      Write a comment on Road to California’s Facebook Page post featuring  the final giveaway and let us know why you want to win.

3)      Tweet out  our final  giveaway on Twitter using the hashtags #road2ca2015 #giveaway and @Road2CA

Entries for our final giveaway begin Friday, January 9th and close Wednesday, January 14th. As always, a winner will be chosen using Random Number Generator. Our final giveaway winner will be announced on Thursday, January 15th on Road’s Facebook Page.  As always, if you have any questions, please contact Caryn at carynpayzant@roadtocalifornia.com

Good luck to all who enter!!


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79 Responses to “Final Giveaway–Road to California Package”

  1. Sally Reyna says:

    Exactly 2 weeks from today I will be strolling the aisles of the best quilt show of the year. Getting more excited everyday and my list is getting longer everyday.

  2. Wanda Phillips says:

    Unfortunately I’m never going to make it to the actual show, so winning will be like I have a small piece of it!

  3. Dalya says:

    This will be the greatest gift. The fabric will be a memory of the show to give to my mother who can’t make it to any more shows.

  4. Sandy Rollins says:

    I would like to win because my friend and I have been coming to Road for 15 consequitive years….I even came in a wheelchair one year. We go to the big party and we always leave with not much more than the free magazines. We just have terrible luck. No matter where we sit, we’ll be the last table called. So it would really be nice to be winners for a change.

  5. Kathleen says:

    Can’t wait to attend this year (and leave snowy Canada behind for a week)!

  6. Juanita Cairns says:

    Looking forward to Road. Would love to win something because I seldom do.

  7. Anne McKenzie says:

    I want to win because getting these items will allow me to spend more money at the show.

  8. viktorya says:

    What treasures to have — if I won, I would use the fabric in a garment or quilt. Thanks!

  9. Cindy Zabuska says:

    These weekly giveaways have been so fun….except that it would be so much more fun if I would just win one!! This one will have to be it!! Please pick me. I should probably be able to give the tour myself since this will be my 20th year to go to ROAD, but it would be so fun to spend the time touring with Carolyn!! See you soon! (Six classes this year!)

  10. Melody Lutz says:

    Lunch with Carolyn would send me over the moon! Especially since I shopped the Patch for 90 percent of my buying, took classes from her and many other talented teachers and been going to ROAD for this year now 20 years!!!

  11. Carol says:

    I’d love to attend a southern California show to see regional differences from the northern shows I mostly attend!

  12. Deb says:

    I’d love to bring a friend from No Cal…she’s never been! Thanks for the chance

  13. Michelle Cole says:

    Have not missed a single show from the get go! Proud that this show is in California! Would love to have lunch with Carolyn!

  14. Michelle Baker says:

    I’m very excited to be coming. Watching our local weather in hopes of being able to fly out of here without any delays to sunny Ontario, CA!

  15. Kerry says:

    How do you buy the fabric?

  16. Donna Rowe says:

    I am committed to care of my grands so could not make the show. Oh such beautiful fabric design. I hope to win of course but at the least, hope to purchase too?! Have too much fun!

  17. Maddy Lopez says:

    I have gone to this Quilt for 10 years..Love it. I learn so much new stuff, get to buy so much different things and love the people. I never win but would love to take Mom. ❤ thanks for the chance. Here’s to 10 more years going.

  18. Michelle Howe says:

    Love the Road2CA fabric this year. Can’t wait to be at the show.

  19. Jean Barabe says:

    Want to win because would line to go to road to ca would be my frosty time and would be able to gain slit of knowledge in the quilting world

  20. Sue Duisenberg says:

    I would love to have a really good reason to visit southern CA, Winning would make it happen Thanks

  21. Anne Sidell says:

    Would love to win as it sounds so exciting to have a behind the scenes tour!!! and be able to go to a lecture too!

  22. Michele says:

    Best quilt show ever! I would love to be more involved at the show!

  23. Chris Lapham says:

    The best part of the year is when Road is in town!!!! Can’t wait!!! So hurry up an get here!!! 🙂

  24. Ellee says:

    Winning would mean I could for sure go to the show this year — and lunch with Carolyn would truly be icing on the cake!

  25. Martha Hann says:

    I can’t wait to go to my first Road2California!

  26. Rhonda says:

    R2ca is the BEST!

  27. Karen says:

    It’s been a long time since I’ve attended R2CA. I would love, love, love a chance to win the tickets. All that goes with this prize is incredible!!! What a fun and inspiring time that would be.

  28. Cecelia says:

    I would frame the fabric and enjoy the show…

  29. Sara says:

    Such wonderful giveaways! I wouldn’t mind winning any of the above. Since I’m bringing someone new to the show this year, I wouldn’t mind winning two free tickets to the show. Thanks Road for putting on a spectacular show every year!

  30. June hutchison says:

    Pick me, pick me!

  31. Diana Tatro says:

    I am so extremely excited to be attending “Road” this year and I cant wait !! I’d love to win !!

  32. Nancy Leahy says:

    I’ve already paid my entry fee and registered for 2 classes, but I will donate the 2 entry tickets and make something fabulous with the fabric….( who am I kidding, it will be added to my stash) LOL!

  33. Lisa Townsend says:

    Wow, just the thought of going makes me happy. I’ve only been to the Maine Quilt Show, and would love the opportunity to see a larger show.

  34. Alice says:

    I have been to a LOT of quilt shows and Road is my favorite. I love everything about it!

  35. Pat Tarwater says:

    I wait all year for the show. It is always worth the wait.

  36. Linda Perrin says:

    Have always wanted to join the gals from our quilting group! What a great package! Pick me! Pick me! (coming from the child in me. haha)

  37. Rain Burch says:

    Counting down the days! Classes, shopping, volunteering, can hardly wait!

  38. nancyk says:

    I have seen magazine spreads that I get very excited about because I have seen the quilt in person at Road. I never miss this show.

  39. Sabrina Cowley says:

    Fingers crossed!

  40. tracy shaw says:

    This would be my first time going to the show- it is the NUMBER ONE thing to do on my LIFE LIST !!

  41. Pat Dull says:

    It would be so fun to win tickets!! My husband and I will be going one day and it would be great to get a behind the scenes tour!!!

  42. Valerie S says:

    On my way to Road in a week. Would love to win the tickets show so my parents can get attend the show to view all the beautiful quilts after driving 2 hours to pick me up.

  43. Marilyn watson says:

    I have never been to the quilt show, always wanted to go, so winning tickets would be perfect. Thank you for a chance to win

  44. Barb says:

    I would love to win to visit California, where I have never been, and to put a positive beginning to 2015. The Road to CA is on my bucket list, also! I would be sew appreciative!

  45. Patty Latourell says:

    Id love to win, I participate in Road most years and would love a behind the scenes tour.

  46. Ann Craig says:

    I have waited for this show since July of last year! Can’t wait for it! Woo hoo!

  47. Jen says:

    cant wait for road to ca

  48. Sandy Rollins says:

    What a great 15 years at “Road” commemorative prize that would be for my friend and I!

  49. Robbin Newlin says:

    I would like to win because quilting has become a bond between my daughter and I and going to the show will strengthen that bond

  50. Tina Mann says:

    Please pick me! I am travelling from Maine to see the show for the first time!!!

  51. Nadine Arney says:

    I would so love to win this prize. I’ve been attending Road to California for years and love to see all the quilts, buy new tools, see lectures, take classes and see Carolyn and family put on the best quilt show in the West!
    Crossing my fingers!

  52. QuiltShopGal says:

    Woo hoo, a behind the scenes tour and lunch with Carolyn. Of course, I’d love to win. Amazing prize. But I think whomever wins will surely enjoy.

  53. Cindy Calvo says:

    i want to win so I can take one of my BFFs to see the beautiful quilts that are entered every year. I want to win so I can talk to these quilt makers and hear their inspiration and the joy of the creation in their voices and see the pride on their faces as they talk about their quilts. I want to win to join in the quilting sisterhood that exists among the ladies that attend Road to California. I want to win to experience the high that I get around quilts, fabric, notions, books and machines.
    I want to win because I want to attend the best quilt show in the West!

  54. Pauline says:

    I used to live in Los Altos Hills for many years and I love California. We now live in Canada to be close to our grandchildren. I would love to go to this show and see the quilts made to depict The Beatles songs – I was a teenager in England when they began, and I grew up with them. I would love to win the tickets and go back to California and attend this fantastic quilt show. Thanks for the chance.

  55. Candace Weiss says:

    I am looking forward to this years’ Road to California! Last year, I had to work and didn’t get there. I’ll be there first day this time! Can’t wait to see all the lovely quilts!

  56. Pandora Lolos says:

    A trip to Road 2 California is on my bucket list. Winning tickets would give me a reason to make it happen this year.

  57. Anne Richardson says:

    I started attending Road when it was a little show at the hotel. The growth and scope has grown marvelously and I would love to talk about it with Carolyn. Now I live in WA but I will be down to Ontario. It is my favorite show and conference. Anne

  58. I’m not sure why I am entering because I NEVER win anything. But I would love to go to the Road to California show. I’ve read about it for years and have longed to go but never been able to go. It is one show that has been on my list.

  59. Tami Bayer says:

    I’d love to take my mom on this very special lunch date and day of inspiration. She’s an avid Quilts of Valor quilter.

  60. Cindy Shelley says:

    On my bucket list, want go go there!!!!

  61. Cathy says:

    Last year was my first time at The Road and I am so excited to be going again this year and staying longer. This is a wonderful prize to win, and I look forward to learning so much more this year.

  62. Marie Lehr says:

    I am so excited to see all of the wonderful quilts. It’s hard to believe that someone made them with fabric and a sewing machine.

  63. kbo says:

    Never attended “The ROAD” and being from Northern California, it would be a travel trip well worth the drive. My mid-way point would be to stop and pick up my Sister. It would be a new adventure for both of us!

  64. Diana Tatro says:

    Im getting soooo excited , as well !!! Have never been and it’s going to be “GRAND” !!!

  65. Tammi Gritters says:

    this sounds like so much fun!

  66. Nadine Arney says:

    SO EXCITED! The time for the conference is coming close and I cannot wait to see everything that’s new and I’m so hoping to win this prize package–especially lunch with Carolyn and a behind the scenes tour of the Road conference.

  67. Judi Duncan says:

    As a new quilter, this would be the “ultimate” experience, I would be thrilled to see everything and meet wonderful more experienced quilters in person! I can imagine “talkin shop” all day with people who share the same passion. Thank you for the chance to win!

  68. My friend and I try to attend this show every year for inspiration. Would love to treat her (and myself) to a little more this time.

  69. Sandi Miller says:

    I absolutely love to win things. And quilt related things even better.

  70. Cindy says:

    I would love to win! I already know which of the $5.00 lectures I would attend. My 84 year old mom is coming with me this year so 2 tickets would be perfect!

  71. sandy Hawes says:

    Looking forward to next year and coming

  72. Julee Prose says:

    Thanks for all the great giveaways…would love to win…love the fabric. Congrats on your 20th anniversary.

  73. Barbara Redick says:

    The visit to Road is an annual girls outing for my mom and I. We don’t live that far away but we stay in a hotel nearby and attend events, classes or just shop every day. This year we are going on the bus trips. This is going to be a great show. I can’t wait.

  74. Nancy McLerran says:

    Several years ago I entered the competition and won. But I wasn’t able to attend to see my winning quilt displayed. I’ve always regretted that and would love to see the show.

  75. Regina Reece says:

    I love this quilt show! Would love to win this giveaway. Love the fabric!

  76. Suze says:

    Ohh…would love to win this..I love Road to CA and have been coming since 2003…

  77. Chris Lapham says:

    Chris here… I want to thank Carolyn Reese for a lovely experience… I was the fortunate grand prize winner of the Road 2 CA Blog give away…. My prize consisted of 2 Show admissions (that I was able to share with dear friends), 2 tickets to a lecture, a Road 2 CA ruler, 1 yard of the Commemorative fabric and the best part of the prizes which was lunch with Carolyn Reese… What a very gracious lady… She shared her family, her dear friends and her staff with me… I learned soooo much about the show and the people that create it… What a gift to have… Thank you, Thank you, Thank you for such a lovely event… Also a very special thank you to Caryn Payzant for her kindness and generous spirit… When it is said the Show is the best in the West… I would add not only in the WEST… but of all… smile emoticon Congrats to those that make this show possible, all of you are fabulous…

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