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Aloha!! Meet Hawaiian Quilter, Carrie Fondi

Carrie taught two Traditional Hand Quilting classes and a Traditional Hawaiian Applique class at Road to California 2015Carrie Fondi Bio Pic

A mother to 9-year old twins (a boy and a girl), Carrie Fondi of Aloha Quilt Designs, self-taught herself at the age of 12 (or 13) how to quilt. She has been Hawaiian Quilting nonstop since then, studying under many Master Hawaiian Quilters over the last 15 years.Carrie Fondi Lanai-pine

Carrie finds inspiration for her quilting at her second home in Maui, Hawaii. She says, “I can walk down the street and find inspiration in everything from the man’s shirt in front of me to the flowers that have fallen in the sand.” When she isn’t quilting, Carrie likes to swim and surf in the ocean with her family.

Needles (and thread) are the one quilting tool that she can’t live without. A small applique project always travels in her purse. She even quilts on the beach in the sand!Carrie Fondi-huladance2

Carrie travels about 30,000 miles in her car each year teaching. Of course, Hawaii is the farthest distance she has gone to teach a quilting class. Because she has young children, she “cannot leave {her} family for long or often.”

When Carrie is teaching, she enjoys watching her students learn the art of hand applique and quilting. She remarked that, “Most students walk into my class scared or intimidated by hand work and then leave with a confident smile on their face.” Her best quilting tip to her students: Relax!!

What did Carrie enjoy most about her classes she taught at Road 2015? “All the happy students!!” She was appreciative for the full classes and the great students she had.Carrie Fondi-bidgred

Look for Carrie to return to Road 2016; she can’t wait to meet her new students. Will one of them be you?





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