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Road 2016 Highlights

Were you one of the over 35,000 guests at Road to California 2016?

Did you enter the Ontario Convention Center to see the magnificent Atrium Display by the Glendale Quilt Guild?

[caption id="attachment_3754" align="aligncenter" width="496"]Photo by Brian Roberts Photo by Brian Roberts[/caption]

Did you see the over 1,ooo quilts on display including Best of Show, Silk Road Sampler, by Melissa Sobotka?Best of Show

Did you shop with one of the 220 retailers that came from 37 states and 7 foreign countries in the 700 merchant booths?_I4C8435

Did you meander around the live trees adorned with twinkly lights in the Pavilion?

[caption id="attachment_3755" align="aligncenter" width="529"]Photo by Brian Roberts Photo by Brian Roberts[/caption]

Did you attend one of the 173 classes, lectures, and special events taught by our internationally recognized experts in their field?

[caption id="attachment_3757" align="aligncenter" width="454"]Natalia Bonner Natalia Bonner[/caption]

Did you take a bus tour to local sites and quilt shops on one of our bus tours?113

Did you get inspired?

We hope you were able to come and participate with all the show had to offer. The next few months, we will be sharing on the blog some of the amazing stories that came out of Road 2016, bringing back wonderful memories and moving forward to future possibilities.

What did you enjoy most about Road to California 2016?


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18 Responses to “Road 2016 Highlights”

  1. Irmi says:

    I really enjoyed the show. It was really nice to have a short chat with vendors where I purchase fabric.

  2. Johanne Gibson says:

    What I did NOT enjoy was the lack of a printed brochure showing vendors and quilts. Not all of us want to use apps on our cell phones. I, for one, find the brochure much faster, as well as a place to take notes. Hope the brochure returns next year!

  3. Carol Cote says:

    I really enjoyed the classes specific to computerized longarm quilting. Georgia Stull was so informative. As quilting changes, it’s good to see that Road to California is not leaving anyone behind.

  4. Renee Fleuranges-Valdes says:

    I loved it all! It was my first time at Road, and I just loved it all. I could not believe the level of artistry and workmanship in the quilts in the show… and couldn’t believe the number of high quality vendors. I will be back!

  5. Sandy Bradfield says:

    Road was awesome from start to finish this year! As a member of the Glendale Quilt Guild, I must say that we were honored to be selected to fill the atrium with our quilt exhibit. My class with Cindy Needham was awesome & I really enjoyed free motion quilting feathers & backgrounds. The quilt displays were wonderful & inspiring. Plus, the vendor mall was too large to experience everything, but I did my best.
    Way to go, Road!

  6. Lynn Parker says:

    I DID enjoy seeing the marvelous quilts. But there were many organizational problems with this years show. I could not get the app on my phone, so couldn’t follow where quilts were because there was no program.
    The first section of the modern quilts that I came to at 9 a.m. Th had no sign or information on them. Still nothing on them Late Friday pm. If the writing on the cards that are there gets any smaller, I won’t be able to read them. Actually, I couldn’t read some of them this year.

  7. Di Werner says:

    Overall the show was good of course it had it’s negative aspects too which I won’t mention on this public site.
    I took a class with Mary Kerr and it did not disappoint. I only wish I could have taken more than one of her classes.
    Road needs to honor the roots of quilting by always have displays of antique/vintage quilts. They also need to have classes in the study and conservation of quilts.

    • Carolyn Reesewb says:

      We did have a display of quilts and other items made from feed sacks during the depression era. It was curated by Cindy Rennels, an antique quilt dealer. We always have an exhibit of antique quilting. Mary Kerr also taught a class this year That related to historical quilting. Local quilters from a Southern California Quilt Guild were featured with the quilts that hang in the hall where you first walk in. Many attendees comment that these quilts are ones that they can make!

      • Di Werner says:

        Perhaps I did not make myself clear, I enjoyed the displays of the feedsacks and vintage quilts as well as the other displays. I was trying to emphasize that you need to have these type of displays and classes every year.
        I am well aware of the classes that Mary taught but due to my budget could only take one.

        • Kathi Settle says:

          I also took MARY Kerr’s class, in fact, I took two of her classes. It is my hope that ROAD continues to offer classes that focus on antique quilts. There is so much to learn and many of us have purchased and/or inherited them and seek to learn as much as possible about them. There were so many of these quilts brought to class by the class members and they were all very unique. Great classes!!! PS I have been attending ROAD since 1992 !!!!

  8. mary says:

    I loved the show, as always! Was there a CD of all the quilts?

  9. Melissa says:

    I have been attending the event for many years now and I am never disappointed. I love the quilts and seeing the awards that they receive. I especially love the opportunity to shop at all the amazing vendors and taking with them. I look forward to next year

  10. Every year at Road is different.. I am always inspired… and it depends on where I am in my quilting life is where I’m inspired. We have been coming for years.. we stay at the same hotel.. so it’s home away from home… I come to see old friends, the beautiful quilts, take classes, to shop of course… This year, and the past few, Road is my only vacation for the year, as I have elder care going on and parents… so I really do look forward to coming every year. My mom was a quilter so I can take her a few little gifts and share pictures. I love all the quilts.. art quilts, bright colors…. vintage… I loved the display of vintage quilts that have been quilted beautifully…. I collect them.. so that is a love of mine… but I am open to see the whole display of all the quilts that are at Road..
    Thanks again. … Till next year

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