Classes for Road to California 2018 have recently been released. Priority Registration opens July 1st at 8:00 AM with public registration starting July 8th also at 8:00 AM, all Pacific time.
For 2018, we are offering over a hundred classes taught by a distinguished faculty that are geared to all levels of quilters. Our classes offer assistance with traditional to modern techniques, hand and machine quilting skills and the latest in surface-embellishment using paint, thread and embroidery. With so many choices, how do you know which class is right for you?
Skill Level
Based on teacher recommendations, we assign the following skill levels for our classes: Beginner: New to sewing or it’s been awhile since you last sewn. A knowledge of basic sewing skills with some rotary cutting skills and a working knowledge of using a sewing machine is useful. Beginner-Intermediate: Some basic sewing experience with confidence to move past beginner. Intermediate: Knowledge and experience from sewing over time. Advanced: Experienced quilters looking for a challenge. All Levels: Assumes a knowledge of basic sewing skills, basic rotary cutting skills and basic quilting skills, either appliqué or piecing.
Expand your horizons
Take advantage of our varied classes and patient, expert faculty to explore new techniques that you’ve always wanted to try. Or enroll in a class that is not even machine sewing related. We offer several handwork classes like beading, watercolor on fabric, silk ribbon embroidery, and hand quilting, to name a few. [caption id="attachment_5011" align="aligncenter" width="279"]
Are you looking to purchase a new sewing machine? While many of our classes require you to bring your own sewing machine, there are others that have sewing machines provided, allowing you to “try before you buy.” Have you always wanted to try longarm quilting but don’t have access to a longarm machine? We offer several classes that provide longarm machines for your use.
Perfect your techniques
Have you just begun to learn a new technique and need some practice? Utilize our classes to perfect your skills.
Learn from the best
Our 2018 faculty is top-notch. Many have taught not only throughout the U.S. but internationally as well. And several are published authors too. We bring the experts to you.
Don’t forget the Swag
All class attendees receive a badge for admission to classes, exhibits and vendors. In addition, they also get a show program plus entrance to Preview Night. Registrations prior to January 9th will also receive a special gift: a Road pin and/or year bar. One last bonus item that all class participants receive is a tote bag. Last year we gave out small foldable grocery bags. Although many students enjoyed the bag due to California’s strict new single use plastic bag ban, many were not satisfied with our choice of bag. We sincerely apologize for 2017 class attendee bag. When selecting our 2018 bag, last year’s comments and desires were taken into account. The 2018 tote bag is a canvas tote large enough to hold shopping goodies without getting too heavy. There will also be a very special surprise included with each bag which will be revealed later this year. Road hopes you’ve found your reason to sign up for one of our many classes. To encourage early sign-ups, we will be giving away 5 Priority Registrations. To enter, comment below with the name of the class(es) you are interested in taking before midnight Pacific time on Thursday, June 29th. Using Random Number Generator, 5 winners will be chosen and notified June 30th, in time for Priority Registration on July 1st. Remember, Priority Registration is non-transferable. Good luck to all the entrants. We can’t wait to see the class registrations start coming in.]]>Tags: Contest, Priority Registration, Quilt Classes, Quilt Teachers
Fearless Feathers with Margaret Solomon Gunn!
5015N with Jamie Wallen. But really I want to take them all!
Mystical Illusions by Jaime Wallen, and also Curvalicious Skinny Quilt by Cheryl Welch
Beautiful Backgrounds with Margaret Solomon Gunn.
I’d like to take 1007C Paisley Bear Floral Collage – Laura Heine.
I would like to take: Alter Quilts 1003C and Free Motion Designs with Lines 2016C
I’m looking to improve my Long Arm techniques! I’d love to take Jamie Wallen’s Mystical Feathers and :Mystical Rulers and Kirstin Vierra’s Easy Background Fillers!!! Fearless Feathers with Margaret Solomon Gunn sounds pretty darned great too! Sew many choices….
At least one of Jaime Wallen’s classes.
I’m hoping to take Janna Thomas “Tarted Up Pineapple ” class and use my new ruler.
I’m interested in taking the mystery class with Jenny Doan. To my knowledge/memory she has never taught at ROAD before. I am excited to see a CANVAS bag this year! Thanks!!
You are correct. This is Jenny’s first time at Road.
I’d really like to take the Sweet 16 class on Saturday, or on Wednesday.
I am looking forward to the 2018 R2C show as well as the classes. R2C show is smaller than some but offer different insights and lessons than other show offer also. Jenny Dome class mystery 1/2 square triangles should be fun! That’s at the top of my list and taking one of the tours.
I wish I could be in a dozen places at once and have the stamina to take every class – they’re all so tempting. But I’m hoping to take 2004C Nova & Amalie from Gudrun Erla. I had a chance to see her methods one evening last year and have been waiting all year to take one of her classes!
I’d really like to take Jenny Pedigo’s long arm classes, but as a long arm is not in the cards for 4 more years when the last one finishes college, that will have to wait 😋. So I’d go with Janna Thomas Tarted up Pineapple!
I’m interested in learning more about Handi Quilter longarm machines so I am interested in 5014C and 6012C
Beaded Kaleidoscope sounds like fun!
I want to take Paisley Bear Floral collage
I have several classes in mind. I think 3011C Borders and Finshing Touches would be great. I need new talents. I’m so glad that there are so many beginner classes to choose from. I sure could use the help.
I would love to take Jenny’ class or Fearless Feathers…I have always enjoyed every class at Road.
So hard to narrow it down, but either Jenny Doan’s class or Painterly Collage…making fish with
Laura Heine
Alter Quilts by Jane Coscarelli. I have been a fan of Jane’s ever since my first Road2Ca trip and was thrilled when she shared her first alter quilt with me (in progress, hidden in her booth at Road2015). Her exhibit last year was fabulous and I immediately started saving fabric for an Alter quilt to honor my father, who has been gone 27 years.
I’m interested in Gyleen Fitgerald’s Square a turn or Jamie Wallen’s Mystical Rulers.
I want to take both of Laura Heine’s classes!
Would love to take either class offered by Esterita Austin! I have never been to the Road since I am new to quilting but will be there in 2018 to start my year off right😋🎉😆
4015C Modern Free Motion Fillers Christa Watson
I really want to take the Appliqué Master Class. I have watched her demo but really want to learn more.
Congratulations–you were one of the 5 winners. Lucky #26!!!
Wow deciding on just one class is tough!!I would love to take Corys Saturday class with all the great techniques she will be teaching…Then there is the Little Bird class i just love to make birds…Then there is one on useing a photo of my sweet puppy. All fun techniques that is always fabulous… they even have some handwork classes for crazy quilts and a beading class too! Golly they have everything & anything from fabulous teachers… how can I possibly choose? If I have to its Cory’s multi techniques class on Saturday.
I’d love to take Mysticl Illusions with Jamie Wallin. 6913N.
There are so many I want to take – Jenny Doan’s mystery, Gudrun Erla ‘Nova’, Laura Heine’s Paisley Bear, Deb Tucker – these are for sure choices!! Love visiting CA coming from Texas!!
Congratulations!! You were one of our 5 winners!! Lucky #29!!
I always spend the week up there! Can’t wait til 2018 Road!
3014R Appliquick Master Class would be an awesome class to take
I’d love to take either Jenny Doan’s class or one of Allie Aller’s….
Congratulations–you were one of the 5 winners. Lucky #32
I really want to take Jenny Doan’s mystery quilt class!!