Road to California Quilters Conference and Showcase 2025
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Class Schedule

Please use the link above to see the Class Schedule. Online Class Registration has ended you can sign up for classes starting on Monday Jan. 20 at the Onsite Registration Desk.

Classroom Guidelines:

To insure that everyone receives the maximum benefit from their time at Road, we have established the following common sense guidelines.

  • Please turn the sound "OFF" on all cellular phones and pagers when classes and lectures begin.
  • Please do not wear excessive perfume.
  • Dress in layers, some rooms can be cool while others are too warm.
  • Be on time. If you are late, please try to catch up quietly and do not expect the teacher to start over.
  • Bring all necessary items required on the supply list. Borrowing is distracting to both you and the other student.
  • Do not expect a teacher to take time from the class to teach you something different.
  • Do not take photographs or tape the class without consent.
  • Please do not enter classes while in session.
  • Handouts and other materials provided by the instructor are copyrighted. Please check with the instructor before sharing the workshop in any format with others.

Class Dates/Times

Please check the dates and times of each class. We hold classes Monday January 20 - Saturday January 25. Classes do occur prior to the start of the show. The vendor hall and quilt exhibits open on Tuesday January 16 for a Full Show Preview Night. There is no quilt show/vendor mall open on Monday.

Skill Levels:

Each class has a skill level. You know best what your skill level is. Please select a class according to your comfort level with the skills listed below.

All Levels - Assumes knowledge of basic sewing skills, basic rotary cutting skills and basic quilting skills, either appliqué or piecing.
Beginning level - Basic sewing skills with some rotary cutting skills. A working knowledge of sewing machine.
Intermediate level - Assumes not only knowledge of the basics, but also experience using those skills.
Advanced - Experienced Quilter that wants a challenge.

Supply Lists:

To serve you better, we are using downloadable supply lists. These lists are exact lists supplied by the instructor, thereby avoiding typos and omissions when we re-type them for publication. Click on the link below the class description.

Since we do not change supply lists please keep these conference specific items in mind.

  1. Personal irons are prohibited. You must use the irons provided by Road to California. Craft, hobby and travel irons are prohibited as well. This is due to the fire hazard & excessive electrical draw caused by outside/additional irons. Thank you for your understanding.
  2. If your class is in a room with sewing machines provided, you do not need to bring your own machine. The supply list should have a cover page with a large red STOP sign on the front. Another way to tell is on the class description. It will tell whether you need to bring your own machine, or one is provided.
  3. Road to California provides its students with a work area, trash can, irons and ironing boards, and in certain situations sewing machines. We do not provide cutting stations or other misc. supplies. If you have any questions about any supplies, please contact us and we will either answer your question or refer you to the teacher.
  4. Please do not pin items to the classroom walls. We provide blue painters tape to affix items to the wall in each classroom.

Documents downloaded from this website require Adobe Acrobat Reader. Download FREE Adobe Acrobat Reader here:

Registration Fee

The non-refundable registration fee of $40 is required for any class purchase. This automatic $40 charge is added to the first registration per person. In order to not be charged multiple registration fees for a single individual please make sure that when you add classes you add them to the same account. If you create a new account to add another class you will charged another registration fee. If you only sign up for a Special Event (ex Bus Trip or Party Time) you are not charged the $40 registration fee. You will need to buy an admission pass at the show.

This fee is not refundable or transferable under any circumstances. Class enrollees do NOT need to purchase daily admission tickets. As a courtesy we will include a badge for admission to classes, exhibits and vendors, a show program, and entrance to Preview Night. Registrations prior to December 15, 2024 will also receive a special gift, a Road pin and/or year bar. Cancellation of the entire conference registration will result in forfeiture of all courtesy gifts including the entry badge. No exceptions will be made.

Will I get my Conformation via Mail?

No, email confirmation are sent to all registrants automatically after registration. Please check your spam/junk box if it is not there please contact us.

How do I get my Name Badge?

Present your confirmation email at the Registration Desk when you arrive at the Ontario Convention Center. You will be provided your Name Badge, and courtesy gifts (if applicable). If you have lost your email confirmation, you can use your photo ID to receive your badge.

Class Transfer Policy

You may transfer classes until December 30, 2024. Any class transfers will incur a $5 change fee. A $5 change fee will also apply when an attendee executes a cancellation and simultaneously registers for a new class – this is considered a transfer. At least one week (5 business days) must pass in between the cancellation and addition of a new class in order to not incur a $5 transfer fee. An attendee can avoid this fee by cancelling the class by email the Road Staff and enrolling in their preferred class by processing the registration themselves online.

If you’re transferring to a class that has a higher fee than the original class – you are responsible for the difference in price including the $5 transfer fee.

If you’re transferring to a class that has a lower fee than the original class – Road will subtract the $5 change fee from the amount owed and refund the difference to the original payment method.

Your original registration date is the date for cancellation – not the date of the transfer.

Cancellation Policy

In the unfortunate event that you must cancel your registration, we have a percentage based refund policy. Your cancellation date is determined based on the earliest date that the class registration is processed. If you transfer a class, the earliest date of transaction, not the transfer date, is the date we will apply.

Registration fees are non-refundable.

 Cancellations received BEFORE Refund Rate

7 days of registering 100%

Monday August 14, 2024 - 90%
Friday, October 13, 2024 66%
Friday, December 15, 2024 33%

Cancellations After the Deadline

Cancellations received on Thursday December 15, 2024 until January 19,2025 will receive a 33% CREDIT for the Road to California 2026 classes. If the amount of class fees paid exceeds $250 (excluding the non-refundable registration fee) we will include priority registration for 2026 as well as a 33% credit of class fees paid. The registration fee is non-refundable and the show credits are non-transferrable. No cash refunds will be given for any reason after Thursday December 15, 2024.

Cancellations received after January 19, 2025 will not be offered any refunds or credits for a future show. 

Due to our various contractual obligations we are unable to make any exceptions from the above cancellation policies. Please set a reminder for yourself on the cancellation dates.

All cancellations must be made in writing. Notification may be made by email at or by letter to:

Road to California
1160 N Dewey Way Suite A
Upland, CA 91786.

The $40 registration fee is not refundable or transferable under any circumstances.

Cancellation of the entire conference will result in forfeiture of all courtesy gifts including the entry badge. No Exceptions will be given.

Cancellation Policy subject to change without notice. Cancellation situations not directly addressed by our cancellation policy are bound to the decisions made by Road to California Staff and Management.

Refunds at the Show

Road to California does not grant refunds after the cancellation periods have elapsed.  If you have serious dissatisfaction with a class, please submit the Class Complaint form found at the On-site Registration desk.  This form MUST be submitted within 2 hours of the conclusion of a day class, or by 9 AM - the morning following the conclusion of an evening class.  Management may contact you about your class experience after the conclusion of the show.

Cancellation by Teacher

Our contracts have provisions to restrict the ability of teachers to cancel classes. However, sometimes health situations arise that cannot be avoided. Road to California, Inc. and the teacher will work to find a suitable replacement. If a replacement can be found that is suitable to both Road to California, Inc. and the cancelling teacher, no refunds will be offered, however students will be offered the ability to change to any available class at no extra fee.

If a suitable substitution is unable to be found, students will be given the option to cancel at no penalty or transfer to any available class at no extra fee.

Class Times:

Full Day Classes

Monday – Tuesday, Saturday – ALL LOCATIONS.
8:30 AM – 3:30 PM (1 hour lunch break)

Wedensday – Friday (OCC North)  Classes ending with an “N”.
8:30 AM – 3:30 PM (1 hour lunch break)

Half Day Classes

Morning Classes (All Locations)
8:30 AM – 11:30 AM (no lunch break)

Afternoon Classes Sunday – Tuesday, Saturday – ALL LOCATIONS.
12:30 PM – 3:30 PM

Afternoon Classes Wednesday – Friday (OCC North) Classes ending with an “N”.
12:30 PM – 3:30 PM

Afternoon Classes Wednesday – Friday (Ontario Convention Center) Classes ending with a C
1:30 PM – 4:30 PM

NOTE: Classes at the Convention Center have different times than Classes at the Hotels. Use this handy guide to determine the timing of your class. Each class description also has the times listed.

Class Locations:

Those class numbers actually mean something! Read on to determine what they mean!

The first number indicates the day of the week that the class is held or in the case of multiple days the first day.

#1 is Monday, #2 is Tuesday, #3 is Wednesday and so on.

Example = 3005C is a Wednesday Clas

The second number is usually 0 indicating the class is not a multiple day class. If the second number is 2 or higher, it is a multiple day class and the number indicates the day the class ends using the #2 is Tuesday, #3 is Wednesday, etc.

Example = 4601O The class is held Thursday through Saturday.

If the third number is a 6 then the class is an evening class.

Example = 4063C is a Thursday Evening class.

Other numbers in #3 spot are part of the fourth number such as 11, 12, 13 etc.

Example = 5015C (Our evening special events and lectures do not follow this rule).

The fourth number is the actual number of the class for that day and is usually assigned in alphabetical order of the instructor's last name.

Example = 6015C is a Saturday class

The letter at the end indicates where the

class will be held. Example = 6012G

C = Ontario Convention Center
N = Ontario Convention Center North

Kit Information:

Kit fees are payable to the teacher on the first day of class. Any questions about the contents of the included kit can be directed to either Road to California or the instructor.

Kit fees listed by the instructor are mandatory unless the kit is noted as being “optional”. Road to California and the instructor will make the final determination as whether the kit fee is mandatory. Students who do not purchase a mandatory kit will not be able to participate in class and will not be offered a refund.

Class Waitlist Policy

Our online system will automatically maintain a waiting list for sold out classes until the last day of registration, January 6, 2025. After that date, the waiting lists are deleted from the system and classes will be sold on a first come first served basis when the registration desk opens on January 20, 2025 at the Ontario Convention Center. Due to last minute show preparations, we will be unable to register for any open class seats from January 6 - 19, 2025.