From 8:30 am to 3:30 pm
Faculty: Kathie KerlerFee $113.00
Skill Level: Beginner - Intermediate
Description: Freehand embroidery, unlike counted threadwork, is stitched without any consideration of the fabric’s weave. The workshop will encompass the most often-used stitches including running, chain and chain variations, couching, buttonhole, back, satin, stem, darning, and straight. We will sample them in both traditional and experimental ways. I will bring samples to class to show how a single stitch can be used effectively in both simple and complex patterns. (I’m a graduate of London City & Guild Institute in Design and Embroidery, a 3 ½ intensive program).
Handwork Class
Kit Contents: Embroidery Needles, Fabrics for Samples, "Pocket Guide to Embroidery"
All Kits Are Payable to the Teacher. They are not included when you register.